Your Refrigerator Seal – Is It Failing?

If your refrigerator isn't keeping as cool as it should, the first thing that you should check is the seal around the door. Over the years, that seal can become damaged, caked with old food and coated with mold. Here, you'll find a few tips that can help you clean the seal, test the seal and replace it if it needs to be replaced. Clean the Seal You will be using white vinegar and water to do the cleaning. Read More 

Get More From Your Fridge With These Care And Usage Tips

The bad news is that refrigerators are one of the most expensive appliances in the average home today. The good news is that refrigerators that receive proper care and usage can last for many years of service, a feat that is pretty remarkable when you think of how many times a day these appliances are opened and closed. In fact, according to a popular home information site, a well-cared for refrigerator could last as long as 17 years. Read More 

3 Ways To Get The Longest Life From Your Brand New Microwave

You have invested in a shiny new microwave for your kitchen, and it simply makes the space pop with newness and functionality. If you are like everyone else, you will want this new appliance to last for as long as possible. After all, a microwave can be one of the most useful appliances in the entire kitchen. Unfortunately, many new microwave owners make a few mistakes along the lines that compromises the life of their new small appliance. Read More