3 Common Microwave Issues & What To Do About Them

Your microwave makes it quick and easy to both make and warm up food. Having your microwave out of commission can really put a cramp in your ability to feed yourself. There are a few operating issues that can come up with your microwave, and you should be aware of how to repair these microwave issues. Common Microwave Issue #1: Microwave Doesn't Run at All If your microwave is not turning on at all, you need to start with the basics. Read More 

Why You Should Hire A Home Appliance Service To Help With Hook Up

Are you looking to get a new washer and dryer or perhaps a new dishwasher or another type of appliance? If so, one consideration besides your actual purchase is how you are going to get your new appliance hooked up inside your home. Some stores sell hookup services but not all do, and you'll also have to hook it up yourself if you purchase your new appliance online. There is, however, a better solution to this problem. Read More